All events
Canadian Wildlife Federation
ILI partners with the Canadian Wildlife Federation to help run programs that promote sustainable landscape management, pollinator habitat conservation, and environmental education initiatives.
Landscape Ontario Congress
ILI is often involved in Landscape Ontario’s annual conference held in January every year. Whether we are leading a seminar or participating in a panel, ILI is often involved in connecting and educating others in the industry.
Annual Christmas Party
Though the winter season is often busy and challenging for many of our staff, we always find time to get together and celebrate the festivities as a team!
Spring Kick-Off
At the beginning of each season in the early Spring, ILI celebrates its team and their accomplishments and gets ready for the company year.
Local Organizations
Throughout each year ILI strives to connect with the surrounding communities and to partner with various local organizations and charities.
ILI Team Community Events
The ILI team recognizes the importance of building strong bonds within the company and both encourages and facilitates different social and recreational events throughout the year.
Local Parades
Every December ILI takes part in the local parade and partners with a Realty group or the local Knights of Columbus to provide a flatbed and truck for a float.
Earth day
Each year International Landscaping partners with our clients to promote and participate in Earth Day in April. This annual event includes a commemorative tree planting and other environmental initiatives.
Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer
In support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, International Landscaping participates in this annual road hockey event to raise funds to help the fight to conquer cancer.