Growing a Greener Future

International Landscaping believes that clients deserve an upscale experience and peace of mind. We develop close relationships by listening to and collaborating with our clients, resulting in cherished and lasting luxury spaces.

We are proud that many accomplished leaders in their fields are part of our team. Our experience in the art of landscaping ensures an uncompromised design and an extraordinary experience.

30 years of experience

We are a highly respected full-service company that brings decades of knowledge to your outdoor space.


We provide the highest quality landscaping services and ensure all clients’ expectations are not just fulfilled but exceeded.


We believe that environmental sustainability can be accomplished cost effectively while complementing the overall design.

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Awards and press

We’re proud of our accomplishments.

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In our community

We put time and effort into giving back to the community around us.

Community events

Safety is important to us

All of our staff are trained and adhere to the highest safety standards in the industry.

Our Headquarters

We are based in beautiful Milton, Ontario, west of Toronto. Our facility houses all our equipment, supplies and the offices that keep our business running smoothly.

Meet The Team

Our wondeful clients

We've had the priviledge to work with great companies

Our history

Thirty years of milestones and celebrations

  • 1986

    $1500 Investment from Nonna

    When Baldo & Santo launched their business, a loan from their Nonna helped them purchase their first truck. Her investment marked the beginning of a long success story for her grandsons.

  • 1988


    International Landscaping becomes a corporation

  • 1990

    New Design Trailer and Greenhouse

    After two years of operating out of the basement of a house, we constructed our first dedicated office and greenhouse.

  • 1991

    Expansion into Winter Maintenance

    We become a year-round operation, adding winter maintenance to our services.

  • 1992

    Inaugural Dunington-Grubb Award

    Our first (of many!) awards was very special to us. See our Awards page.

  • 1993

    Building of the Shop

    To accommodate for current and future growth, construction began on our new head office.

  • International Landscaping's First Computer


    Return on Technology

    With the purchase of a personal computer, we embrace the rise of technology in the workplace and the benefits it can bring.

  • Landscapers plant trees


    Commercial Maintenance Expansion

    Having specialized in residential construction over the past decade, we burst out of our comfort zone with our first commercial construction client.

  • 2001

    Pioneers in Salt Alternatives

    As ice-melting liquids and liquid-treated rock salt were first starting to get the recognition they deserved, we pioneered their use in the GTA.

  • Electric lawnmower being used to cut grass


    Electrical Team Launch

    On June 22nd, we proudly announced our entirely electric division! We now had the tools and capability to service our corporate clients without gasoline that emits greenhouse gases into the air.

  • 2017

    First Autonomous Lawn Mower

    We continue our innovative and forward-thinking ways by embracing the data revolution and investing in the research and development of autonomous maintenance services

  • 2018

    More investment in sustainability

    We increasing investment in the development of sustainable winter management best practices and launch a new GIS department.

  • 2019

    Pilot project with WWF Canada & Ryerson University

    With the increasing impacts of road salt on our environment, we take action. A focus on collecting and analyzing geodata and real-time material tracking allows us to research and develop industry-specific best practices.

  • 2020

    Partner with Sheridan

    Like many companies, the COVID-19 pandemic challenged and changed every facet of the business. As a team, we overcame these challenges and emerged with exciting new partnerships in the Development and Maintenance departments.

  • 2021


    A New Partnership